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Home Forums Champions’ chat Dried meal worms yes or no? Reply To: Dried meal worms yes or no?

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I know it used to do the rounds that cat/dog food in gravy gave hogs upset stomachs, but check out the link above re. feeding, where it says that this is not correct.

What people feed to pet hedgehogs (which are pygmy hedgehogs) bears no resemblance to what wild hedgehogs should be fed. We don’t know what else they may be feeding the pygmy hedgehogs – potential supplements, etc. and they have control over what it is eating. We have no control over what the wild hedgehog is eating elsewhere, so it’s our responsibility that anything we put out for them to eat, is as nutritious and good for them as we can manage. That definitely means no mealworms.

As Hedgie Lover suggests, make sure any website information you are looking at relates to wild European hedgehogs.
