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Hi Hettihog

I understand your feelings about capturing the little one, but I really don’t think it will mind being weighed, especially if you do as I suggest, i.e. just scoop the little one up straight onto the scales and if the weight is over 350g release it again straight away.

If it does weigh below 350g I would take Stef’s advice. She is an experienced rehabilitator and knows what she’s talking about. It’s better that the little one is kept in captivity for a short while than that it tries to hibernate when it’s too light and doesn’t survive.

It’s really difficult to tell how big hogs are from photos so, sadly, I don’t think that will help. Also they get their spikes when they’re quite tiny. Hopefully, the little one will weigh over the 350g which would be good. Then at least if any others turned up you would have a rough idea of how big they might be, in relation.
