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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Still very active and eating for England! Reply To: Still very active and eating for England!

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Hi Hettihog

I’m glad to hear that Cutie is doing so well.

There are all sorts of scenarios with two females. If it’s possible that Cutie is Hetti’s daughter, it may be that she is trying to encourage her to become more independant. Normally females won’t be as aggressive as males and it’s more a case of nudging out of way (rather than full blown biffing and fighting which the males sometimes indulge in). Is that the sort of thing you mean.

They may not always both have a nest in your garden, they are likely to visit many gardens in a night and might choose to nest in any of them, or any other suitable place nearby. But there is no reason why they shouldn’t both continue to visit to feed, and even feed at the same time. It may be that once Cutie is more independant that Hetti will become more tolerant of her.

I had lovely old female here, who visited for about 5 years. She was very tolerant of two other female hogs, (who happened to have some similarities with her in colouring, etc. and may or may not have been closely related) but was quite grumpy with another female. But they all arrived and left independantly.

But hoglets are sometimes inclined to ‘attach’ themselves to other hogs, especially at feeding areas – other hoglets, adults male or female and it may just be that Hetti thinks it’s time that ended. She may be planning on hibernating soon and not want Cutie ‘gate-crashing’ her nest.

I have found that it’s the young males who normally gradually move on and the young females continue to visit.
