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Hi Hedgie Lover

Thanks. I’m always happy to help people help the hogs, if I can.

Yes, you have to be the sort of person who loves wildlife (if it’s all wildlife being cared for) but not get too upset if things don’t go well. I had a friend who used to help drive a bit for the local Wildlife Hospital, but he used to get so upset if things didn’t turn out well. Which, with wildlife, probably happens quite often. He had to give up in the end. But the people who do the looking after need to learn from it and move on to the next animal which needs their help. Even over-wintering, not all will survive. So it can be very rewarding but also upsetting.

It’s a really good idea to go on the Vale course. I’m sure you’ll learn a lot. It might seem expensive, but at least it’s going to a good cause, as well as what you learn. But you’ll also learn a lot from Stef, on here, about rehabilitating, she has a lot of experience and always talks good sense. It isn’t my area of knowledge, but I’ve picked up quite a few things from her. She may not be on here quite as often as I am – too busy rehabilitating hogs! But always worth ‘listening’ to.
