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Home Forums Champions’ chat Make Hedgehogs an Offcially Protected Species Reply To: Make Hedgehogs an Offcially Protected Species


Hi Nic,

Absolutely hear what you say but as they are both listed on Petition Parliament it is what it is however both promote the needs of our hogs so thats good.

I also agree the A24 trap petition is more critical not least as it has less time to run as you rightly say.

I would hope that all would sign both petitions, although that would depend upon how they stumble upon the petition. which is why I included the links to both petitions in my post and gave the A24 trap first billing because I agree with you this is more important.

I think the more the link is publicised, and you are doing a great job on this Nic as its cropping up everywhere on Hedgehog Street thanks to you so thats fantastic, the more signatures we will get.

Although we currently have just under 24,000 signatures (we have gained around 3,000 signatures in less than 3 days) as we have nearly 48,000 hedgehog champions I believe we can get to the 100,000 needed. Also as the hogs wake up from hibernation more people will hopefully be logging on to Hedgehog Street and seeing the petition.

Lastly everyone please keep sigining the petition about the A24 traps

Our hogs need our votes!
