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Home Forums Champions’ chat I need advice on hedgehog tics Reply To: I need advice on hedgehog tics

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Hi simbo65

The following is a link from Hedgehog Street

Whilst it recommends April and October, because you have had an infestation of ticks, I would be inclined to check it fairly often for a while – you may find that you need to repeat the boiling water treatment if more ticks appear. That is on the understanding that you are sure there are no hogs in there and if there are, you should not disturb the box.

I think the advice given is to some extent connected to breeding and hibernation. But my feeling is that if your box is just used for casual and occasional over-day stays or short naps, as mine has been in the past, it is ok to check it if you are sure it isn’t in use. This casual use is the sort of use that can encourage ticks to be shared around. It only needs one hog with ticks to sleep in there for a while to set the whole cycle off again.

I stress that you need to be absolutely sure there is no hog present in the box before disturbing it. If a female hog is disturbed when she has very young hoglets, she may desert them or even eat them.

Re. bedding. If you leave a variety of materials close to the box the hogs will likely take in whatever is their preference. You may like to put a small amount of material such as hay or leaves to start it off, but at this time of year, I find that for casual stays, the hogs are perfectly happy with a minimal amount of bedding, if at all. ( I had one hog here who just used to curl up in the corner between a wall and a fence for a nap). If a female decides to use the box for breeding, I imagine she will want to chose her own materials and design of nest! That’s where lots of materials nearby comes in handy.

There is loads of information on hog related things available here on Hedgehog Street and on the BHPS site and it is really worth having a read when time allows.
