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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hedgehogs of Romney marsh Reply To: Hedgehogs of Romney marsh


Well done Benmac1. Have you put any food down for them? While they don’t ‘need’ extra food it might help attract them to your garden. Especially as they might still be needing to put on a bit of weight after the big sleep. If you have local cats it is worth creating a feeding station – there are lots of designs on the web but essentially a decent sized plastic crate with a hog sized hole in one end, too small for a cat to get in and maybe a large stone or half brick just inside the crate entrance to stop a cat from “fishing’ for food. My hogs seem perfectly able to limbo over the half brick, so long as it is about 2 inches inside the crate. Plus something on the top to stop the crate from being blown away – or a Really Useful type crate with ‘clips’ to hold the lid in place. Cat food or cat biscuit seems to work well – or special hedgehog food but mine have gone off the” I love hedgehogs” mix for some reason so they are back on the kitten biscuit. Very sad to hear that so many are getting squashed but I do think they seem to be particularly careless just after coming out of hibernation – food and mating on their minds probably!! Good luck
