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Home Forums Champions’ chat When should hedgehogs be out of hibernation Reply To: When should hedgehogs be out of hibernation


Hi, thanks for your good wishes Nic, to answer your question, yes to cats, my neighbour has 4 cats plus about 6 other neighbourhood cats. They spend the night sniffing where the hogs have been then chasing round our property. I’ve an under bed box I’ve made into a feeding station. I put 1 brick opposite the opening to form a corridor. This the cats managed to get round and inside the box. I wondered if they managed to push the brick back a bit then contort themselves around it, so I added another brick behind the first one. It does not stop small young cats, but the big ones don’t bother now. The cats game seems to be, oh, we can small another animal, let’s eat all the food so there’s none left for them.
