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Home Forums Champions’ chat Help to stop cats getting in the Hedgehog box please? Reply To: Help to stop cats getting in the Hedgehog box please?


I’ve found that you can make the entrance smaller than you think would be sufficient cos our spikey friends are genius contortionists where food is involved. Mine has an entrance about 4″ high by about 4.5″ wide (sorry for using inches, my hogs refuse to use metric entrances). Herewith a pic of one of the gang emerging from mine; the bird feeder right in front is an additional cat deterrent and seems to work….

That is Cassandra who is not a particularly big hog but the huge brutes manage to squeeze through here as well. The cats however have yet to go in there. The distance of the bird feeder is quite crucial to success and needed some experimentation!

Herewith a movie from the side and you can see what a squeeze it is for the hogs. In this one I had just moved the box and at first Cassandra was annoyed as she couldn’t find the way in but then you can see the big squeeze to get in. I have a big hog >1kg who manages to get in as well.

Zero cat invasions this year despite much interest being shown. I also have a blackbird who goes in to steal Spikes Dinner!
