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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hibernating in September?? Reply To: Hibernating in September??

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It’s possible the hog could have decided to hibernate early, but it’s also possible that it pops out at night. They are sometimes very good at shutting the door behind them! Some hogs might not come out until quite late at night, so unless there is a camera checking it isn’t always possible to tell. Even cameras don’t always capture everything that happens. Personally, I wouldn’t disturb it. Hogs do sometimes go in and out of hibernation a bit and apparently sometimes even build new nests in the middle of hibernation. So even if it is hibernating, it could still move elsewhere.

I had a hog build a nest in one of my feed boxes and it wasn’t easy to tell whether the hog was in there or not from outside. It filled the entire cavity with carefully woven leaves and grasses – apart from a hog sized hollow in the centre. But it actually didn’t hibernate at all that winter, but just used the nest for occasional over-day stays.
