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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Mystery hole Reply To: Mystery hole


Thanks for your replies everybody.

Since that 1 hole was dug, we had nothing else. That was until we came down this morning to find 8 holes of various sizes. Some no bigger than a thumb but others about the size of a cereal bowl.

Here are some of the things I’ve noticed:

-> Again the holes don’t seem to have enough earth to fill them.
-> They are only placed around the hogs swimming pool.
-> No claw/paw marks.
-> They are holes only (no tunnels or mounds).

Surrounding area:

-> A drainage ditch/stream runs alongside our garden (and we know there are water voles in there).

-> Our fence is in need of replacing as they are rotten at the bottoms but it does mean that there are plenty of access points for hoggies (and obviously others).

-> Went the other side of the fence and found some flattened down grass (sort of like a drag route) coming/going from under the fence.

-> Something moved the hedgehog house which up until now has been vacant. Put some shredded paper in it a few days ago to see if that would attract any hogs. It hasn’t been moved much but enough for me to notice. I’ve already put a twig across the entrance to see what happens tonight.

We are leaning towards the thought that it could be a fox as we have seen 1 in the garden at night in the last year.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a trail cam so unless we happen to catch the digger (not literally of course), then I’m still open to suggestions.

P.s. Not a UFO, just the outline from where the hogs swimming pool (plant saucer) had been – moved to take photo 😄.
