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Home Forums Hedgehog tales My tribe! Reply To: My tribe!


Hi all, what makes me laugh is Big Benny’s habit of getting the light to come on, then walking round to look if another hog is in! He’s so big, but then again, he may be a gentle giant! Yes, the cardboard works well, the only thing is you end up saving vast quantities of the stuff. I can’t drink much tea or coffee now, so have cordial or pop in tins, so bulk buying I save all that. Parcels, always over size actually needed, so save that. New appliances, always boxed. Breakfast cereals. We only get 1 paper a week anyway. You can usually wipe up the poo as well with kitchen towel. So unless very wet, it lasts a few days. As I’ve said before, we will be buying poo testing kits as well in a while! These wonderful animals deserve our help to keep them going, I think we all fall in love with them. I would like to thank Nic, Stef and all the other wonderful people on this site who dedicate their lives to helping these endangered animals. Best wishes.
