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Home Forums Champions’ chat Feeling really disheartened Reply To: Feeling really disheartened


still fox free! and a hedgehog has taken residence in the hedgehog home again – not sure if it’s Huffy, but I’m quite sure it’s not Klepto as this hedgehog doesn’t scratch like Klepto, Klepto is a big hedgehog and very scratchy.

It’s been a lot quieter now it’s been raining heavily – but my camera managed to take 6 videos (one was a cat, and one appeared to have nothing on – but I wonder if that’s because the hedgehog was in the home, (camera is pointed on it) rumbling about?

Unfortunately, I heard a noise the other night – I thought it might be a cat – I got back indoors and got my torch out and locked the door, by that time the noise had stopped and I couldn’t see any hedgehogs. Then I googled ‘hedgehog screaming’ and I think it was the same noise. The following morning I checked all over, in the grass to see if their was a hedgehog – but I couldn’t see anything. I wonder if the fox had attacked it? It’s really concerning me.

The hedgehog who has taken residence, has got a big white mark on it – and this time I’m 100% sure it’s not a natural marking, it’s either got something stuck on it, or it’s paint. I either have never seen this hedgehog before and it’s new to the garden, or it’s a regular hedgehog who has come into contact with either a human or something sticky. It seems a pretty confident chap – and he has settled in the home – seems to know his way around – gets in the feeding station early to eat the dog food (8.30pm), so I presume he must have visited before now – so this white patch must have happened this weekend.
