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Home Forums Champions’ chat Feeling really disheartened Reply To: Feeling really disheartened

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Hi Hedgie Lover

I know it’s hard and we imagine all sorts of things happening to our beloved hog visitors, but try not to worry too much. All sorts of creatures make sounds at night and it may not have been the hog at all. Foxes can make fairly alarming calls, too – not necessarily because they have been hurt, either.

I’ll never forget the time I heard a terrible noise outside and thought one of the hogs was being attacked, only to find that it was the hog that was doing the attacking. A poor unfortunate fledgling had ended up on the ground. Yes, our dear sweet hogs are predators, as well.

But if hogs are allowed to be free, as they must be, there will always be risks. Hogs give us so much pleasure, but sadly the worry goes hand in hand with that. Just try not to let it dominate.

It is getting quieter here, too. We’re beginning to wind down to hibernation. I have a feeling some may already have begun. So you probably will be seeing less on your camera. I frequently get video with nothing there. The hogs can be quite speedy when they want to be and sometimes have disappeared out of view before the camera has time to burst into action!
