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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog What can I feed visiting wild hedgehogs (that is good for them?). Reply To: What can I feed visiting wild hedgehogs (that is good for them?).

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The problem is that:
(a) The start of this is a very old post (from June 2017) and some of the information which follows is outdated. Since then there have been various posts which are very much more concise. It is unfortunate that this one has been brought to prominence again – not for the first time, as is evident!
(b) This topic should not be under ‘Carers/Rescuing a Hedgehog’ in any event. This section is for Carers/rehabilitators, sick and injured hedgehogs/ rescuing hedgehogs etc. If this section gets clogged up too much with other things, it makes it more difficult for the Carers/Rehabilitators who have limited time – due to looking after sick, injured, underweight hoglets, etc. to read it all.

So I suggest that if anyone wants to continue this conversation that they start it again under one of the other headings and preferably use the most recent advice on feeding. No-one will go far wrong following the advice from
