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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Update on Cutie Reply To: Update on Cutie


Hey Annker good to see you posting again! I hope you and yours are well!
Yes a HOGLET! And yes your so right! What a responsibility!
But truly I’m counting my blessings that I now have two hogs living in my garden Hetty and little Cutie!
However, I doubt Little Cutie will remain Little for long! Out every night like clockwork 7.30pm Cutie is packing the food away, Spikes semi moist, Spikes Biscuit, Dog food – eats the lot, not at all fussy like Hetty. Cutie, unlike Hetty is not phased by the rain either – I have a very focused hoglet, focused on getting fat! lol 😂
And Beautiful Hetty is fine, fit and dandy – all is well in my little bit of hedgehog world!
Best wishes and happy hog watching!x
