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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Update on Cutie Reply To: Update on Cutie


Hi Hettihog, so glad alls well with you. We still have 2 little ones who are eating like mad the same as yours, only last night hardly any food went. It’s getting so cold here at night now. I’ve even found some ancient leg warmers (remember them) to go outside and check the food levels in the feeding station. I’m surprised some hogs are hibernating now as the leaves have only just started to fall here. Also lots of rain. We are OK here up north. Putting a fence up and doing a bit of gardening. It’s been fun and games. The hogs will have to use the gate now! They mostly go through next door at the back then onto a small piece of grassland, or through our hedge onto a piece of grassland at our side. Keep up the good work with your hogs, well done for weighing one, like you I would have been wondering what stress I would be putting them through. Best wishes.
