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Home Forums Champions’ chat Feeding station Reply To: Feeding station


Hi Nic, many thanks for your post. I have only been killing the massive slugs, that nothing seems to eat, even the birds don’t touch them. I pick them up and put them in a salt box that is lidded and with elastic around it, so no chance of hogs getting them. They have also stripped most of my plants around the area. I am not going to use slug pellets and agree they should have been banned due to other wildlife. I’ve left the smaller slugs alone as I’ve read the hogs eat them. I did buy some copper tape a few months ago with the idea of sticking it to the new feeding station. It has a peel off sticky back on it. I have hesitated to use it around the door of the present station, as it seems rather sharp at the pointed edges. It’s straight on one side and like saw teeth on the other. I’m wondering, as you have used it, when you peel off the backing, is it not sharp? Also, do you put the pointed bit on the downside. I had visions of poor hogs cutting themselves on them. Have you bought straight copper tape? (I also wonder why it works anyway..) No, no access to sheep’s wool, (I’m allergic to it anyway) but please be assured, the hogs won’t get any salted slugs! Best wishes.
