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Home Forums Champions’ chat Feeding station Reply To: Feeding station


Hi, many thanks to you all for the info. I’m going to stop using the salt box, it’s as grotesque as the slugs themselves. It wouldn’t be so bad if they stuck to the job they were intended for, instead of heading for the feeding box on a rout march every night. My herbs have not been touched, in fact, the little hogs seem to like to bury themselves in the marjoram for some reason. Think they like the smell! So, next spring I’ll be armed with copper tape and garlic water! The garlic won’t effect the hogs as the Hosta is in a large tub. We all have garden recycling bins, but don’t use them anymore, due to council asking for extra charges for using them! If we don’t want to pay extra funds, we can put garden waste in the black household waste bin… (madness) Best wishes.
