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Home Forums Champions’ chat Feeding station Reply To: Feeding station


Hi Nic, yes, given up on salt box! My conscious told me it was awful. I think I will resort to putting them at the wild area at the bottom of the garden from now on, if the eat rotting foliage they can do it down there.
There is a compost bin down there as well, to be honest it looks like it may have had hogs in there. It was my mums and been there for years but never seemed to work.
All councils are cash strapped these days and ours is pretty hot on recycling and fining people who dump rubbish, but, my husband worked for them over 40 yrs and is miffed that after paying council tax they want extra money to empty a green bin! We tend to put some in the waste bin if there’s room, which generally there is as there’s only two of us and it’s emptied every two weeks. If we have a lot we take it to the tip in the car where it is sectioned into green waste. I would rather do that than mess with a compost bin which never seemed to work, at least it gets composted from the tip. I guess you have as many bins as we have, it’s like bin ally!
Our hogs are still acting strange here. Going in the feeding station and not eating much at all. The little one has a little of the hog food, but it hardly needs topping up. The food has not changed, but from eating everything in sight to eating nothing is strange, especially when they are still visiting the feeding station. It feels very cold here, but the leaves are only just starting to fall.
We don’t have a pond, much as I’d like one, I settled for a gravel tray, not the very shallow one, I had to put a step in it so a hog could get out onto kerb edging stones on two sides of the tray. I haven’t seen frogs or toads in years. Years ago we had a house with a cellar and every spring a frog appeared in the kitchen. I would open the back door to let it out. The next year it would appear again, so assumed it came up from the cellar. Thanks again, value your input, best wishes.
