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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Poo spotted despite builder's mess… Reply To: Poo spotted despite builder's mess…


Hi Nic

Wonder how active Igel & Siili are now, most days the 2 dishes of food in my feeder are empty or almost empty in the mornings. Hard to tell how many hogs are coming but small & large are appearing on camera every night & Frankie’s kennel’s still being used as a shelter judging by the movement of the fleecy pad every day/night. The newspaper underneath the pad where there’s a permanent hog shaped tunnel which goes from front to back of the kennel has been torn up last night near the entrance & some is outside in the wet, not sure what that’s about.

I’ve seen a fox on camera again once since my last mention, but as hogs are obviously teleporting around the place I see no reason why foxes can’t do the same & there may be one more often than I think. Also spotted a teeny mouse on camera which may explain oddly empty shots as they run so fast they can trigger it & be gone again. No doubt enjoying the feast too. I usually blame fast running hogs for empty shots, they can really move it can’t they on those long legs.

I’ve watched a very large hedgehog (who uses the entrance the far end of the feeder away from where the camera is) foraging in the garden, climbing into shallow flower pots of plants & using the feeder too between long drinks of water. There are entrances both ends of my feeder so if someone wants to get out without having to pass someone else they can. Also means if someone arrives while they’re eating they can beat a hasty retreat safely if they want to.

Birds very active of course & it’s possible my large unidentified birds from weeks ago who still visit clumping along the fence are carrion crows. Winter is coming, dark mornings a bit depressing, my garden & its visitors provide my sanity & help me ignore the crazy world we live in.
