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Hi MayhewFamily

Really good news the hogs are still visiting and enjoying the food.

Re. the little one. It really depends how small. They need to weigh 450g to survive hibernation. You might want to take the advice of your local carer/rehabilitator as to the appropriate weight for this time of year in your area – and tell them that you are supplementary feeding. You can get their contact details from BHPS 01584 890801. If the hog is underweight it will need somewhere to be overwintered so it’s just as well to find somewhere that has the space, in case.

If you’re worried I would try to weigh the small hog. Try to keep disruption to a minimum i.e. take your scales into the garden beforehand so that you can just scoop the hog up weigh it and if it weighs enough put it straight back where you picked it up. You’ll need gloves – their spines are very sharp, especially when they roll up. I find those 1 litre ice cream containers are plenty big enough to weigh underweight hoglets. Remember to deduct the weight of the container. You might find that the hog weighs enough already.

Have a high sided cardboard box, or pet carrier ready in case the hog weighs less than is recommended by the local carer/rehabilitator. I would line the box with newspaper. You will need to provide food and water in there and the hogs are very good at spilling the water. You can use torn up strips of newspaper for bedding, or an old hand towel which the hog can burrow under. Hogs are also very good at escaping, so try to make sure the container is secure, whilst at the same time provides sufficient ventilation.

Good luck. I hope the little one is big enough. Let us know how you get on.
