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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Hoglet Advice Needed Reply To: Hoglet Advice Needed

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Hi Riccio34

Such good news that some hedgehogs have found their way into your garden!

I think you were absolutely right asking a friend to feed the little one, especially if it has got used to the food being there and ‘scoffs the lot’. Food and water is really important for growing hoglets.

You may have seen that hoglets need to weigh at least 450g to survive hibernation, but the cut-off point depends a bit from place to place – weather conditions, etc. So it might be a good idea to check with your local carer/rehabilitator as to when it needs to be that weight in your area. (you can get contact details from BHPS 01584 890801) Then you can weigh the little hog. Hopefully it will already be over 450g and you can let it go again immediately. Otherwise, hopefully the local rescue will have room for it to be over-wintered.

Good luck.
