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Home Forums Hedgehog tales Two in one house Reply To: Two in one house


Hi again

I put the new house next to the old one and they immediately all moved into that one. When I checked the old one it was a bit damp inside and also rather mucky with their poos. I removed that one and have thoroughly cleaned it but not put it back yet. They are all still in the new one and I have propped the roof open slightly with a bit of wood for more ventilation as I assumed them all in their breathing would cause the condensation. Anyway, so far so good. I am keeping an eye on them now and will weigh one in a few days as I judge they are a bit small to hibernate successfully. I will have to contact the rescue people once I determine how much they weigh. They are eating all the food I put out for them anyway so that is good. I will keep you posted.

Cheers, Elsie.
