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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hedgehogs Moved Back To Our Garden, hurray!! Reply To: Hedgehogs Moved Back To Our Garden, hurray!!


Hello all, this is my first year of looking after, and for, these lovely little creatures. I have two houses/feeding stations and have been rewarded with lovely videos. One of which showed what I thought was a highly pregnant one with a massive protruderance between back legs. Have been informed she was a male – and I worry as to what was wrong with him.
I have one hedgehog who I believe has hibernated in my first house which is lovely, and second house still has a busy, foraging, eating and drinking second hog. It has black marks looking like bite marks but our local sanctury thought could be ticks or debris. Marks fading now and hog still busy.
It is just delightful to watch them and wish them safe winter. Hogdevotee
