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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Still here… Reply To: Still here…

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Hi Magicshaz

We’re getting to that time of year when if you see a little one, it might be worth weighing it to make sure it’s heavy enough to survive hibernation. They need to weigh 450g. But you might want to take the advice of your local rescue. They will be familiar with the weather conditions in your area and be able to advise more precisely, about the timing, for your area. Also you will need to know whether they can take any more underweight hogs in. If a hog is too light, it may still decide to hibernate, but not survive. Some hogs haven’t hibernated yet, so the fact that they are still around doesn’t mean they won’t try to hibernate.

You can get details of your local rescue by ringing BHPS on 01584 890801
