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Home Forums Hedgehog tales Two in one house Reply To: Two in one house


Hi rosieyvonne
This is the number you need to call for advice regarding best practice and locality of rescue centres .

BHPS ASAP on 01584 890801
If you are able to weigh get prepared before hand. It’s a good idea to ring BHPS in order to locate and contact your nearest centre to check they have room for more rescues.
I got my gloves, scales and carrying box already before I captured Cutie-
I used the paper recycling box as a carrying box – straw and lots of torn up newspaper at one end and water/food at the other end.
I used my kitchen scales and put the hog in an empty ice cream tub to weigh.
If you’ve not done it before it can feel unnatural and a bit stressful- but I promise you once it’s done you will feel great knowing you’ve helped the little ones survive and given them the best chance of making through the winter.
Good luck and keep us posted. x
