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Home Forums Hedgehog tales Two in one house Reply To: Two in one house

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Hi Elsie

Sadly there is quite a high mortality rate with hoglets, so only one dying is good, even though very sad and not nice to find. It’s possible that the other ones who had already left the nest might be heavier, so might still have a chance, but also they might still turn up, so you still may have an opportunity to weigh them.

It’s always difficult deciding how soon to intervene. Being over-wintered in captivity isn’t always the safe option. It’s very stressful for them and not all survive. So if there’s a chance they could put on weight and survive in the wild it’s sometimes worth taking it. There is also the possibility that some may decide not to hibernate at all. But if you are ever worried about hogs, it’s always worth contacting your local rescue/rehabilitator for advice. They are the ones who know the local weather conditions, etc.

You’ve done well saving the two little ones. Keep an eye out in case any of the others turn up again. I would leave Mother hog alone now to decide what to do about hibernation.

Good luck.
