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Home Forums Champions’ chat Preserving a new wooden hedgehog house – ideas for doing this? Reply To: Preserving a new wooden hedgehog house – ideas for doing this?


Well the food is disappearing both back and front now so I am wondering if the hedgehog is doing the rounds or is it the local cats taking it? Or rats or squirrels? Now I have moved the food from the hog house, it’s accessible to all and sundry unless I get a plastic feeder centre set up. It’s a long way from back to front through my neighbour’s hedge and round to the other hedge. Not a mile unless he goes by the very scenic route! We saw a small hedgehog poo on the step where the front food dish currently sited, so think at least he has been to the front one.

i have got the roof fitting better on my new hog house, so that is going to be sited tomorrow in the front garden under a hedge .
