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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Still very active and eating for England! Reply To: Still very active and eating for England!


Good evening Nic,
What is good for the hogs is what I like to hear, relocation isn’t a problem, I lift them off a busy A1 road and let them out on the quiet back road leading to our land, a matter of about half a mile.
I was considering letting a few out around our caravan, in order to feed them (no more mealworms, I promise) but I know there are badgers in the oak woodland adjacent to our property, so scratch that..
What I am wondering about, currently, is the disappearance of our hog population? We have had them appearing in groups and individually all of Spring and Summer, but in the last few weeks they seem to have totally disappeared?.
Surely it’s a bit early for mass hibernation?
