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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Poo spotted despite builder's mess… Reply To: Poo spotted despite builder's mess…


Hi Nic

Yes, disappeared for a while as life got busy & wore me out!

Wonder if Igel has made a reappearance & Siili is still around? Activity has fallen off greatly here as far as hogs go, still at least one visitor a night but less frequent on camera & about half the amount of food being eaten. Frankie’s kennel being used most nights for resting in I think between excursions to search for food. Judging by the foraging going on in the fallen leaves & borders etc there’s still plenty of wild food available. Hoping my visitors have winter accommodation arranged & they’re going to safely make it through the winter. As you mention, the horror of bonfires but don’t see any near here usually so hopefully that’s one thing they won’t have to contend with.

I like the rook saying, no you haven’t mentioned it before. Just watched a BTO Corvid ID film & have to say from watching it & thinking about our large & bumptious pair of visitors that they’re crows but still not 100% sure which! Jackdaws are so easy to ID & we have so many too in the summer. About 30 starlings came down to the feeders yesterday, my very own murmuration!

Beautiful shots of mice on camera this week, sleek little things probably thriving on hedgehog food. Still lots of fuchsias in flower & plenty of bees & buzzy folk around, the camera recorded a temperature of -5 last night though so cold weather is really beginning.
