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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Hedgehog Taken to Vet Reply To: Hedgehog Taken to Vet


Hi Simbo65, any news on Big Leg?

We had exactly the same situation here a few weeks ago when Pumpkin turned up with an injured leg that she could barely walk on and three times its original size. I was in complete turmoil over what to do as I strongly suspected, due to her behaviour, that she had given birth to a second litter of hoglets two weeks earlier. If I whisked her away to get help then I would be condemning any hoglets to certain death! I was fairly certain that the skin wasn’t broken, so I decided to keep a very close eye on her and only intervene if she deteriorated. It was heartbreaking to watch her stumbling around night after night, but slowly the leg started to heal. Then, on the 11th October, two healthy hoglets appeared with mum! 🙂 🙂 🙂 It’s difficult to know exactly how many there are, but there is certainly one boy and one girl. Mum is doing fine, the leg is still slightly swollen, but she can now just about manage to scratch herself with it and stand on it whilst she scratches with the other leg! The hoglets are gaining weight rapidly and the little girl has moved into the new hog house…Yippee! I strongly suspect that the leg was broken, so for her to raise happy healthy hoglets is astounding, it just goes to show how resilient these fantastic little creatures are.

Hope Big Leg is ok, keep us posted…
