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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Poo spotted despite builder's mess… Reply To: Poo spotted despite builder's mess…

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Hi Annie

Know the feeling!

Igel didn’t come back, so I hope she is safely hibernating somewhere. Siili was visiting every night but then no sign of her on the video 2 nights ago. But she was back last night.

I’m having a problem with two very persistent cats and a Siili who’s not keen on going in boxes – can’t blame her really. So I have had to make quite a large area, for her to go under which means I can’t see the food bowl on the video. So it’s just possible she may have crept in the back the day she wasn’t on video, although very unusual for her not to go to the water as well, which is outside. (although she could get some elsewhere in the garden).

It must be so uncomfortable for the cats under there – Siili only just fits under. The cats have to crawl on their bellies for about 2 feet, so don’t usually stay under long. I’ve tried putting the pots (which are the columns of the structure) closer together, but am a bit worried Siili may not like it. I normally try to keep everything in the same place, because of her lack of eyesight. Last night the cats still got under and I’m not sure there was any food left by the time Siili got there, which was quite late. So I’ve just been out in the pouring rain and wind to add some further cat deterrants! There are a couple more things I can try, if they don’t work. Beware cats!! I expect it will be a rat next! The strange thing is the system was working fine before the weather changed. You’d think the cats would like crawling along on their bellies less when it’s cold and wet!

The other way to tell rooks from crows is that adult rooks have pale beaks and that area but crows have black beaks. The only problem is young rooks also have black beaks! They don’t make it easy. Although the beaks are slightly differently shaped as well. I get a lot of collared doves here and if I don’t go out and feed them when I should (which probably happens a bit too often!) they all line up on the fence! Not many blackbirds around though. I wonder if the Summer ones have migrated and the winter ones not got here yet.

My garden is still looking surprisingly colourful. Some of it’s the leaves, of course, but surprising how many flowers are still around. I recently treated myself to some new salvias. One of them is a lovely pale peaches and cream sort of colour, which I haven’t seen before. Apparently only hardy to -5 so I will have to keep them in pots for the winter and put them somewhere safe if the forecast is really low. The other is a purply sort of colour and they look lovely together. The bees should love them if I manage to keep them through the winter. I really ought to take some cuttings, it’s just getting around to it!

Is the hog who uses Frankie’s kennel still visiting?
