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Home Forums Champions’ chat Deter cats but encourage hedgehogs Reply To: Deter cats but encourage hedgehogs

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I’m not sure what Annig said, that post doesn’t seem to be showing, for some reason.

But I wouldn’t use a sonic cat repellant with hogs around. The cats won’t do the hogs any harm, just maybe eat their food. So I think the best course of action is to create a feeding station which the cats have trouble getting into. There are loads of ideas on the forum, but also on the gallery (accessed via the home page).

Some hogs prefer to eat outside and for that you can use some perspex type sheeting on bricks or earth filled flower pots. If you make the sheet big enough it will put the cats off, whilst still allowing the hogs lots of ways of escape, so that they still consider it’s outside. With many ‘cat proof’ feeders you might find some cats which get in, but at least it’s made more difficult for them.

Good luck.
