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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Hibernation weight advice confusing Reply To: Hibernation weight advice confusing


Hi 5sandown,

I totally agree about the confusion over release weights. In my own experience, as long as there is supplementary food provided, they will continue to feed in all weathers until they reach an appropriate weight to hibernate. A little lady who was rescued as a tiny hoglet and not expected to pull through, was released into our garden last November weighing just over 500 grams, she continued to visit every night until early January when she went off to hibernate and on return has gone on to produce two litters of hoglets! ๐Ÿ™‚ On occasion, we have also had juveniles that have visited for food throughout the winter.

It is heartbreaking to watch when they become cage stressed and are desperate to escape and at that point I think it is kinder to release them. As long as there is someone to provide food and shelter and keep a close eye on them they have every chance of survival, I think you have to follow your heart… ๐Ÿ™‚
