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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Looks like I’ll have to intervene! Reply To: Looks like I’ll have to intervene!


Hi all, just catching up on the forum as had no data and read Hettihogs post. On looking through our cctv about 3 weeks ago I saw a tiny hedgehog running around like a thing possessed. I was filled with dread for this little one and immediately put out my hereto unused trail camera. As said on another post, it’s quite good and when I checked it, had 1,008 pictures on it. All of cats! No sign of this little charging bundle of prickles on either the trail camera or the cctv since. It was on its own when I saw it on film, no mum around. I will continue to check but don’t hold out much hope of seeing it again. It didn’t entre the feeding station, just went for a drink from a floor bird bath, then shot off again. It was like watching a fast forward film! Best wishes.
