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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings How much food should I leave? Reply To: How much food should I leave?


Thank you, Nick. I only give 2 handfuls of mixed food each evening. I am now concerned because I havnt seen either of the 2 large hedgehogs for a week and have heard rumours from neighbour that a hedgehog has been seen killed on the road.
Last night I was late putting out the food and – as I turned round to walk back indoors I heard a noise and one of the babies was already eating it – obviously waiting for me. The second handful of food is put inside a homemade feeding Box and that also had a small hedgehog inside within seconds of putting down the food. I am so worried that they are now orphans so will be putting out more food now. I also intend buying a camera trap to see who is about. One thing has pleased me – a fox went bounding up to one baby and he rolled up and the fox pricked his nose and ran off!
