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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Rescued hoglet – 240g Reply To: Rescued hoglet – 240g

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Hi simbo65

I should probably clarify that I was meaning with underweight hoglets, when I said above about maybe sometimes humans intervening too soon. (although these two are very small and so probably do need rescuing) (But, I shouldn’t write posts late at night!) With sick/injured hogs, it’s a bit different and then to get help quickly is important.

I would always take hogs to a carer/wildlife hospital rather than a vet, in the first instance and if at all possible – I think they are more likely to try to save the hog. (and they would take them to a vet if necessary). I have a feeling that if Siili had gone straight to a vet, they might have euthanased her as they did with another one with a similar injury a while back. But the dedicated people at the wildlife hospital nursed her back to health, which of course takes up a lot of time.

P.S. No Siili last night. Maybe she really is going to hibernate this year.
