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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Rescued hoglet – 240g Reply To: Rescued hoglet – 240g


Hi Nic
Yes, I knew what you meant re babies versus injuries. Steve’s are very small for November but I suppose I was thinking if mum was around they might do better to be fully weaned from mummy and getting all those nutrients but being so small and out in the day is a different story of course. Steve didn’t mention that part till later on and I got caught up with something at home and not watching his next posts.
I agree about the wildlife hospitals- especially about some I have read about. My nearest one isn’t very knowledgeable about hedgehogs and only seem to cater for certain scenarios. When I have rung them for advice they just tell me to take it to the vet- not very helpful.
That is why I stay in contact with the nurses who look after the wildlife and also passed on information Stef gave me to them which they didn’t know.
With good traffic Brent Lodge is about 40 minutes from me and perhaps that will be the way forward but when I spoke to them about Big Leg’s rehab they couldn’t take him. I am sure she said they had over 100 babies in!! However the ladies there gave me good advice and I am trying to follow it as best I can. We have extreme rain here so I think we will leave Big Leg in the garage another day and look to release tomorrow. I have been out to buy straw which I have read is better for bedding. Will add some soon as we didn’t want to disturb him. We are keeping contact with us to a minimum….so fingers crossed.
It would be great news if Siili has decided to hibernate- what a character she is!
