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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Help! I have a small hedgehog. Reply To: Help! I have a small hedgehog.

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Hi Pennyd169

Stef is really the expert in this area. But 250g is below the minimum recommended weight for hibernation – which 450g. I don’t know what you mean by the Hedgehog Helpline, I would always recommend that people ring BHPS on 01584 890801. You might find that they have different contacts. I would try ringing them now and they may be able to pass you details of a local carer. Otherwise, my advice would, as Simbo65 said, to keep the little hog housed, and provided with food and water, and then on Monday try to speak to someone at BHPS and/or hope that Stef may see this. She is an experienced carer/rehabilitator.

You are doing the right thing for the moment, feeding cat food, and providing water, but you are right, the little hog may need checking out for lungworm, etc. so even if there isn’t room for it to be taken in, it should probably be checked. If it is an otherwise healthy hog, I wouldn’t keep it anywhere too warm, i.e. not a centrally heated room, so if you have a cooler room to keep it in that might be better.

The latest advice is that hoglets can be released during the winter if they reach a suitable weight and the conditions are right. The following is an extract from
“….. hedgehogs can be successfully released back into the wild over winter. As long as they have reached a suitable weight as they are still able to hibernate naturally. This news is so important, as it means dedicated carers across the country no longer need to keep hedgehogs inside all winter long. By releasing healthy ones during winter, more room can be made for those emergency cases that arise over the cold months and we can reduce the stress experienced by those in captivity for long periods of time”

Bearing that in mind, it’s possible that some space may become available if the earlier ‘rescued’ hoglets have grown sufficiently to be released.

Good luck. Fingers crossed for the little one.
