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Hi Coley

On the face of it calci-worms look ok. But the only information I have seen about the calcium and phosphorous ratio is provided by suppliers of them – and they do say they contain more calcium than phosphorous, which is good. I suppose they wouldn’t make those claims if they weren’t correct. I haven’t tried them myself, other than as part of a balanced hog food. I think I’d be inclined to stick to cat/dog/hog food – they tend to have added vitamins, etc, too, but if you want to give a few calci-worms now and then it doesn’t sound as if they would do any harm.

Re. sitting in the feeding dish – a favourite occupation of hoglets, even if they aren’t in captivity! It’s actually quite a good way of judging how big the hoglet is (in the wild), in relation to the size of dish! The ones here seem to like standing in the dish (when they are quite small) and then eating round the edges. It also has the advantage of making sure no other hog can get at the food! So it’s just a matter of hoping they don’t poo whilst they’re in the dish.
