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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Any room for a hedgehog near BN16- West Sussex Reply To: Any room for a hedgehog near BN16- West Sussex

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Hi simbo65

That did make me laugh! Poor hubbie!

I can see where you’re coming from and on the face of it, it sounds like a good idea – give him a chance to try out moving around a bit more with just his 3 legs – to get a bit used to it. But I have no experience of that sort of thing. Whether being in the open might make him more inclined to want to get right out into the open. I don’t know. But I can see that it must be a bit of a scary thought letting him go completely in one go. I think you might need to ask someone who has dealt with that sort of thing before. Maybe you could try BHPS again on Monday.

P.S. I think I’ve just seen Siili – she disappeared a bit quick to be sure, but she’s been the only one around for a while. I realise she may have been here yesterday, after all, and wearing her invisibility cloak!
