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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Help With Healthy Juvenile in Town… Reply To: Help With Healthy Juvenile in Town…


Hi tony-
I am hoping Nic will see your plea. She is a font of all knowledge.
In the meantime it’s a no to peanuts, dates. Just straight meaty flavoured cat/kitten/dog puppy food in jelly or kibble (kitten or puppy for a little HH)
Nuts can stick in a hedgehog throat and there is science involved about the calcium/phosphorus ratio this applies to mealworms too. It can cause brittle bones.
Sugary fruits also a no no. Everything I have read or have been advised from rescues is just the pet food.
If the hog keeps eating just fill the food bowl. They do stop eating when full.
I don’t know about average weight gain.
Not such a nice job but your little one will need his box cleaned and fresh paper/ towel put in. Lots of shredded newspaper so he can get underneath. Use gloves when handling.
I would put a light on in the room for a bit during the day so that his biorhythms stay as normal as possible.
With the warmth situation- not 100%sure about this- but I would probably reduce the heat in the room gradually until it is off (over a couple of days)- Do you have a garage or shed?
Sorry I can not give you definitive answers- I am just going to see if I can find a recent post from Nic about this.
We can only do our best to help them and it’s really kind of you to be making such an effort.
