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Home Forums Champions’ chat Food Preference Reply To: Food Preference


I have only ever given our visitors Hedgehog nibbles (Food4wildbirds) and recently changed from mealworms to Calciworms (not branded version). I put out on average seven 4″ dishes split four and three in two feeding stations. Both stations are covered by plastic Under-bed storage containers with min 2 entrances. Most mornings all the food has gone and at most I might have about half a dish left over.
I did find an old post going back to July 17 by wlliam and nic discussing Calci worms. In regard to them being expensive they are currently about the same as mealworms. As always it depends on how you buy it i.e. I always buy bulk whether it is Sunflower kernels for the birds or Hedgehog nibbles/Calci worms as it is so cost effective. I bought 10kg of Calci worms for £54 which I think is pretty good. Also, my current understanding is that the Calcium/Phosphorous ratio is well within the accepted guidelines, but as always, the information available does vary. Certainly, the switch from mealworms to Calci worms has gone without any ‘complaints’ from the customers.
