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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Another underweight hedgehog – 247g Reply To: Another underweight hedgehog – 247g

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Hi dnars

Well done for weighing the little hog. It does sound very small. Glad to hear it has been eating and drinking. If you haven’t alreay, I usually use a load of torn up strips of paper in the box, so that they can burrow into it. Alternatively they seem to like small towels to burrow under. It’s likely, as the hoglet is eating that Mum has gone off to hibernate herself, or at least to prepare for it, and left the hoglets to their own devices.

You really need to keep trying to contact BHPS to get the number of a list of other rescue places near you. I know it can be frustrating, but it’s that time of year with hogs when everyone is really busy. You can also contact BHPS by going to their website and clicking on ‘contact’ and leave a message. But be aware that may not be dealt with for quite a while, so in this circumstance should only really be used as a backup to you continuing trying to ring them.

Meanwhile keep providing the little one with food and water. It should be kept somewhere which isn’t too hot. But another thing to bear in mind is that they are often very good at escaping from boxes.

Good luck. I hope you get through soon and manage to find somewhere with a space. Otherwise, hopefully they will be able to give you some more specific advice about how to proceed. Ideally you would have the opportunity to at least get the little hog checked out.
