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Home Forums Champions’ chat Hedgehog Hibernation all the facts Reply To: Hedgehog Hibernation all the facts


Hi Nic
I still don’t like the words ‘stop putting food out’ in any context. The trouble is when they are in difficulties they really need food and water and you probably would have not noticed any sign of hedgehogs until the next day and that is 24 hours wasted. Would it hurt to put dry biscuits under cover for the few that do have difficulties. I have contacted the BHPS press office with all the details of who it has been put out by and they are looking into it. I
I have been doing research in my garden for the last 3 years when they fed all winter and this year I had one come out in January which was treated for lungworm, caught pneumonia and released back into my garden. Even Brian May is now saying food should be accessible.
Last night we had between 18.00 and 11.30 8 visits from hedgehogs one of them being 340gms which has been taken into care. Yes most of them do hibernate but I am afraid we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
