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Home Forums Champions’ chat Hibernation Reply To: Hibernation

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Hi Annker

Is Heidi a this year’s hoglet, I can’t remember. Maybe she’s decided she on to a good thing and is not going to hibernate. I had one here last year. She is still visiting now, so I’m waiting to see whether she will decide not to hibernate again this year.

Personally, I would be much happier if fireworks were confined to properly organised displays. At least then we would have more of a chance to know when they were likely to take place. As it is, it seems it could be almost any time. But I agree the noise is the worst bit, especially as far as animals are concerned. I once spent some time in a field with 2 ponies when there were some fireworks not far away. When there were just ones with lights and fairly quiet, they stood there transfixed, but when the loud bangs went off they started tearing around in a very alarming manner. Thankfully they didn’t come to any harm, but I could see how easy it would have been for them to be hurt. But then there is also the litter which can be found around afterwards.

I’m not sure the hogs like hawthorn leaves too much for nest building. They mostly use medium sized leaves for their hibernating nests. Re. the buddleia. I know there is talk from time to time about non-native plants, but buddleia, provides a lot of nectar for all sorts of insects, so food for loads of butterflies, moths, etc. It’s good to have some things like nettles, etc. because some butterflies lay their eggs on them. But once they’re adult they don’t mind if the plant they get their nectar from is non-native. But it is, of course good to plant native plants as well.
