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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog rescued 2 hedgehogs within the week Reply To: rescued 2 hedgehogs within the week


I think when she’s gone to the hospital, or released back into the wild – I think I’ll throw away the little box she sleeps in and replace it with those sticks that bend into a curve that you can get from pet shops – to make a little hideaway for the cage – because then, when they depart – you can just wash the logs – with a cardboard box – you have to get rid of it.

And my mum is buying me a pouch/sleeping bag for Christmas – the hedgehog hospital uses them, I did buy a pouch, a santa claus hat but it was way too small – then I replaced it with a fleecy hot water bottle cover, but she didn’t like it, she turfed it out of her box and trampled poo on it.

She likes the straw though, I did line the box with a puppy mat, but she’s turfed that out and also trampled poo on it – I gave her some leaves but she didn’t approve of them, so tonight I might give her some newspaper to shred up. But she loves the box, and she likes the straw – it’s her little nest and hideaway.

She doesn’t poo inside her box, or near her food, she poos in the same place – which is handy for me to pull out the puppy mat half without disturbing her – but the problem is when she tramples on it, then it gets everywhere. It won’t be an issue when the poo firms up.
