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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog rescued 2 hedgehogs within the week Reply To: rescued 2 hedgehogs within the week


looks like Sweetpea’s poo is starting to firm up a little bit – she’s just done a fairly long sausage shaped poo – but then she trod on it and got it on her foot, she managed to get it off her foot by the time she went back into her nest though,.

Took the two tiny poo samples to the hedgehog hospital earlier – so she will probably put it under the microscope later today –

She said, as she is full, and because Sweetpea is nearing 450g – if the poo comes back as ok – I can release her back, but she will tell me when best to do it, it will be before winter sets in, rather than wait to spring. So if that’s the case – gonna buy another hedgehog home I’ve seen and plonk her in or near that when the time comes, as I’m worried that she will have to quickly find a nest in the cold – as someone else might have found her nest, or her nest might not be very warm.

The house I’ve seen doesn’t have a wooden base like the one I’ve already got – so I’ll think I’ll put some dry soil, (I have a bag of soil from the garden centre, then put straw on top of that, then sit the hedgehog house on top.

What’s good about it is that it has a divider so it will keep out the wind.
