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Home Forums Champions’ chat Hedgehog Hibernation all the facts Reply To: Hedgehog Hibernation all the facts


The hedgehog rescue get’s donated tons of pedigree chum dog food, along with big bags of cat biscuits. Because it makes it a lot cheaper – Maybe the owner of the hedgehog rescue hospital told me to give the rescued hogs wet dog meat is because you can mush it up and make it easier for small hedgehogs to eat it perhaps.

They were inside so wasn’t able to freeze, but due to it freezing, that’s why I have stopped putting it into the feeding station.

I just wondered if there was now issue with specialist hedgehog food, but I think it’s great – the hedgehogs eat all of the spikes semi-moist, goes down a treat, but I top it up with meaty cat biscuits too, as they like them also and I thought it would be good for their teeth to have something more crunchy.

I was considering going back to putting out dog food again, but I feel reassured that specialist hog food is good stuff.
